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Teachers spreading misinformation about the Russia/Ukraine war Russia teachers are being told to tell their students that there is not a war happening right now. This is misinformation because they should just be honest with the students. It would be safer for them to know what is happening in their country rather than be clueless.
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Armed schools is the best way to keep students safe.,locations%20where%20guns%20are%20permitted.&text=MYTH%3A%20Gun%20violence%20is%20a%20mental%20health%20issue. This statement does not prove anything. Studies show that you do not need to own a gun to be considered safe. This is misinformation and it would be dangerous for schools to have guns.
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Sheriff’s deputy overdoses after exposure to fentanyl during arrest
By ABC NEWS August 6, 2021, 4:51 PM Claims officer overdosed on fentanyl exposure when doctors say you cannnot overdose on fentanyl from seconf hand exposure or skin contact
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Gun Violence Misinformation Panel Speaks to Creating Informed Policy Debate
April 26, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research The goal of the public panel was to draw attention to how common misinformation is in the national discourse on gun laws and to start a conversation about how misinformation affects the decisions made about policies. Participant Raissian…
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Fentanyl panic goes viral: The spread of misinformation about overdose risk from casual contact with fentanyl in mainstream and social media
Beletsky, L., Seymour, S., Kang, S., Siegel, Z., Sinha, M. S., Marino, R., Dave, A., & Freifeld, C. C. (2020). Fentanyl panic goes viral: The spread of misinformation about overdose risk from casual contact with fentanyl in mainstream and social media. International Journal of Drug Policy, 86, 102951. A substantial amount of false…
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Michigan State trooper given Narcan after drug exposure on job
The Detroit News It states that "Fentanyl can be absorbed, inhaled or ingested and a small amount of it is enough to cause overdose or death, police say." This is not true, and just because the police say so, does not mean you can overdose from touching fentanyl or from any kind of second…
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Misinformation about illicit drugs is spreading on social media – and the consequences could be dangerous
The conversation In this article it talks about how the misinformation about illicit drugs like fentanyl are spreading around causing many issues and concern to peoples health. One of the myths is that you can overdose by even touching a small amount of fentanyl. This disinformation has been spreading across social media causing a…
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Woman hospitalized after touching dollar bill she believes contained fentanyl
Allen, Courtney. “Woman hospitalized after touching dollar bill she believes contained fentanyl.” WSMV, 11 July 2022, Accessed 1 April 2024. This article states a woman was hospitalized after touching a dollar bill that she believes contained fentanyl. This is considered to be misinformation because the claimed powder was unknown, and was proved not…
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Double dose of Narcan saves sheriff deputy’s life during drug bust
Fox KTVU, Accessed 1 April 2024. A story from 2018 shows two Alameda County Sheriff’s experienced the effects of “fentanyl exposure.” The article shows inaccuracy and misinformation about the actual symptoms of fentanyl and fentanyl overdose. The article also uses scary language to stigmatize drug users. Officers claimed "His eyes rolled into the…
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