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Ukraine war: How TikTok fakes pushed Russian lies to millions There is a vast Russia based network of fake TikTok accounts that are posing as real users from countries such as Germany, France, Poland, and Ukraine. These accounts are using stolen profile photos and posting just one video each targeting many Ukrainian officials and portraying them as uncaring about ordinary citizens and the war…
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Armed schools is the best way to keep students safe.,locations%20where%20guns%20are%20permitted.&text=MYTH%3A%20Gun%20violence%20is%20a%20mental%20health%20issue. This statement does not prove anything. Studies show that you do not need to own a gun to be considered safe. This is misinformation and it would be dangerous for schools to have guns.
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Michigan State trooper given Narcan after drug exposure on job
The Detroit News It states that "Fentanyl can be absorbed, inhaled or ingested and a small amount of it is enough to cause overdose or death, police say." This is not true, and just because the police say so, does not mean you can overdose from touching fentanyl or from any kind of second…
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‘My son is not a doll’: The story of Gaza’s baby Muhammad as his family grieves amid misinformation
Zayara, Sami and Saliba, Emmanuelle. "'My son is not a doll': The story of Gaza's baby Muhammad as his family grieves amid misinformation". ABC News. Published 21 February 2024. Accessed 31 March 2024. This article from ABC News is about a newborn baby boy named Muhammad. Tragically, he died at only three months…
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The Islamic State Claimed the Moscow Attack. The Kremlin Is Still Blaming Others.
(Hsu, T.) and (Lee Meyers, S.)(2024). The Islamic State Claimed the Moscow Attack. The Kremlin Is Still Blaming Others. New York Times. This article talks about the Russian propaganda and dis/misinformation spreading through Russian news and social media involving the attack on Corcus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, Russia where a concert was taking place.…
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Dangerous Solar Eclipse
Mac’s, T. (2024, March 16). Warning declared.. why is everyone worried about april 8: My personal opinion. YouTube. The creator of this video expresses concern over unusual preparations and emergency declarations for the upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8th. Officials in various states, including Ohio and Texas, have declared states of emergency, and…
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