Ukraine war: How TikTok fakes pushed Russian lies to millions

There is a vast Russia based network of fake TikTok accounts that are posing as real users from countries such as Germany, France, Poland, and Ukraine. These accounts are using stolen profile photos and posting just one video each targeting many Ukrainian officials and portraying them as uncaring about ordinary citizens and the war effort. Each account was spreading false claims to try to make the citizens of Ukraine and the helping countries less resilient and stop fighting Russia. This article most obviously uses nefarious intent as the Russian network running the accounts was attempting to instill nefarious ideas about Ukrainian leaders in the people who were coming across their Tik Tok videos. And, because these videos were very clearly aiming there claims at the leaders of Ukraine, there were definitely also persecuted victims and an immunity to evidence as these posts made claims that didn’t make any sense in relation to the majority of the other information being released by other countries.

