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Trailer of Area 51 movie In this movie trailer it shows the dangers and mysteries of Area 51 and how many think that they are aliens being discovered and people being experiment on on that site. This trailer Justifies conspiracy theories because it shows how many do believe in this and how hard it is to it not rapidly…
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Yeti and Bigfoot : Are they real ?
"The legends of Yeti and Bigfoot have been around for decades – even centuries, and I remember my early exposure to the Yeti story following the first ascent of Mt. Everest (Sagarmatha) by Tenzing Norgay " In this article it discusses the concept of what people over the years have thought of the yeti…
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Accessing to a “Truer Truth”: Conspiracy and Figurative Reasoning From Covid-19 to the Russia-Ukraine War.
Terracciano, Bianca. "Accessing to a 'Truer Truth': Conspiracy and Figurative Reasoning From Covid-19 to the Russia-Ukraine War." Media and Communication, vol. 11, no. 2, Apr. 2023, pp. 64+. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 29 Mar. 2024. This article explores the concept of accessing a "truer truth" through conspiracy theories and figurative reasoning, using the…
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gun viloence
Gun violence restraining orders: A promising strategy to reduce gun violence in the US – Document – Gale Academic OneFile This article says the “Gun violence restraining orders allow family members and partners who believe a relative’s dangerous behavior may lead to violence to request an order from a civil court authorizing law enforcement to…
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