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Brianna Keilar rolls the tape on Fox’s Covid-19 vaccine misinformation This YouTube video represents emotion, conspiracy, and something must be wrong. First, emotion is displayed when Brianna Keilar shows a video of a commentator who was told that if you get the vaccine, the pandemic will be over. Since she got vaccinated, the pandemic did not just simply end, she expresses that she…
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CDC director debunks TikTok trend about COVID-19 vaccines and microchips This Tik Tok video illustrates conspiracy and conspiracy theories because people are saying that in the COVID-19 vaccines, there are microchips in them. This is a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory because there is no proof that there actually could be a microchip inside the vaccine, and someone just made it up and…
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Can We Agree on Which Covid Lessons to Learn? This article talks about some lessons that should be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. It talks about some policy errors, one of the lessons talked about included the closing of schools due to children having very little risk to the pandemic. This can be categorized as emotion and something must be wrong since there…
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How did the coronavirus outbreak start?
Betz, B. (2020, January 30). How did the coronavirus outbreak start? Fox News. This article explains how the virus was suspected to be spread from a seafood market that traded animals including; bats, rabbits, birds, and snakes. It was to be believed that the coronavirus was spread from these animals. At this time…
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