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Pilot Study on Risk Perceptions and Knowledge of Fentanyl Exposure Among New York State First Responders
Pilot Study on Risk Perceptions and Knowledge of Fentanyl Exposure "Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has long been used in the management of pain from chronic disorders, cancer, and severe discomfort." Which I found to be incorrect while fentanyl is used for pain management, the statement suggests an application without acknowledging its significant role in…
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Fentanyl panic goes viral: The spread of misinformation about overdose risk from casual contact with fentanyl in mainstream and social media
Fentanyl panic goes viral Misinformation about Casual Fentanyl Exposure Risks is a piece I found, the article shows that there is misinformation circulating about the risks of casual exposure to fentanyl. It mentions that some sources claim that incidental exposure to fentanyl through touch or simply breathing it in can lead to symptoms such…
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