‘My son is not a doll’: The story of Gaza’s baby Muhammad as his family grieves amid misinformation

Zayara, Sami and Saliba, Emmanuelle. "'My son is not a doll': The story of Gaza's baby Muhammad as his family grieves amid misinformation". ABC News. Published 21 February 2024. https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/son-doll-story-gazas-baby-muhammad-family-grieves/story?id=107342400. Accessed 31 March 2024.


This article from ABC News is about a newborn baby boy named Muhammad. Tragically, he died at only three months old due to a bombardment hitting his family’s village.
A video by a journalist was posted online of his mother saying goodbye to him, and users falsely accused him of being a doll; relating to the “Pallywood” conspiracy theory. “Pallywood” is a combination of the words “Palestine” and “Hollywood”. This conspiracy theory states that the online media depicting people’s suffering in the Israel-Gaza war are fake. The “Nefarious Intent” concept can be applied to this conspiracy theory, because of claims that Palestinian victims are faking their suffering for propaganda purposes. The accusers are also “Immune to Evidence” because they’re denying statistics and real footage of these tragedies.

Video Report (Content Warning: Contains Graphic Clips)

